Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm free.

So it's almost been a week since I've graduated and it's by far the best feeling in the world. I'm free, I'm finally freakin free.

I've spent most of my week just chilling around the house. You know, the lazy summer teenager. But yesterday and today I've been at church for Hillmont training. It hasn't been too bad. We've gotten alot accomplished, and we're definalty not being lazy.

I leave tomorrow for Colorado. Crooked Creek for Younglife. I'm so excited. I can't wait. I can't wait to just get away for the first time this summer.

I also can't wait for Disney, Hillmont, and PCB with the girls. It's going to be a great summer. What will top it off will being able to go to Africa. I want to go so bad. I'm still praying and tryin to come up with some money.

But I better get off of here. We're about to eat.

Love all.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Just a new beginning.

I just really don't think it's hit me yet. I don't think it's hit me at all. I haven't cried yet, and I haven't really even wanted to. I'm not sure if I'll even cry Saturday. I was so ready to get out of that place it was unreal. People just don't understand all the hell I've gone through at Clarksville High. It's not affecting me a bit to get out of there. I'm sick of the people, and select few of the teachers, all the drama.... It's just not worth my time. Don't get me wrong, my senior year has been everything PLUS more. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I couldn't have asked for any better friends than I have, I couldn't have asked to have any more fun, I've loved every second of this year. I've made memories I'll cherish forever. I've made friends that have changed my life. And I've accomplished alot that I never thought was possible. If I could go back and change ONE thing about my high school years, it would be that I didn't take my school work seriously. And that's key, because without good grades in high school you won't make it into collefe, and without a college degree you pretty much can't find a decent job. I'm struggling bit time with that right now.
It's just so bitter sweet. I can't wait to walk across the stage Saturday, at Austin Peay State University at 6:00 when I hear Hannah Marie Wyatt. It's going to be one heck of a day.
I'm in love!